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Cox is shown to the right fiercely yelling instructions to his intramural basketball team. The team that he coached for the season ended the year with a record of 2-5. One of the two wins was off a forfeit, and the five losses can be disputed because Cox didn't keep his team updated very often of their game scheduling, causing numerous forfeits throughout the season. Cox's mentality to win was never questioned when he was on the sideline though, being ejected from 2 of the 3 games in which he actually decided to show up.  

Here is a photo that leaked onto the internet late last September of a random fan of the Willamette Bearcats taking a picture of what was assumed to be a homeless man asleep in the crowd. The homeless man was in fact not homeless, but the famous Cameron Cox. Cox has a knack for falling asleep in public.

This is Cam on a recent Wednesday night blogging to the world about his hatred for Wednesdays. The reason Cam hates Wednesday's dates back to his childhood when the ice cream man would come every Wednesday morning and yell at Cam forcing him to buy his ice cream, in fear that the angry ice cream man would take little Cam's roller blades if he didn't buy some ice cream.

Cameron Wolfgang Cox has a knack for YoYo'ing. At the 2009 World Championships in Wyoming, Cox placed 3rd in the Under 21 Division before being disqualified three days later after a strange event took place. It was reported the Monday morning after the Championships that Cox had been smuggling Congolese giraffes into the United States for over 4 years in part of a larger prostitution ring which to this day has yet to be broken down.  

Cam hates Wednesday nights.

     Cam   Ca,


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